Big Tujunga Creek
When you think of good whitewater cities, Los Angeles usually isn't at
the top of the list, but hidden away in the surrounding mountains are a
surprising number of very good creeks.
Nearly all of Big Tujunga Creek has been run, from its headwaters near
Alder Creek to its termination at Hansen Dam. Briefly, the segments are:
- Alder Creek - Brushy creek.
- Alder Creek to Camp Colby - Haven't looked at this yet.
- Camp Colby to Gage Downstream of Narrows Bridge - This is the "upper
narrows" run. Challenging run with excellent rapids. Includes an easy portage
around a 15 foot waterfall (that has been run) and a more challenging portage
around a multi-drop rapid culminating in a waterfall.
- Gage Downstream of Narrows Bridge to Forest Service Road - This is
the "lower narrows" run. Very scenic and very narrow. Includes an exposed
portage around a 20-25 foot waterfall, and another possible portage involving a
- Bridge Below Dam to Vogel Flats - Many willows.
- Vogel Flats to Delta Flats - Willows, brush, bamboo.
- Delta Flats to Baseball Fields - More open than upper sections, some
interesting rapids.
- Baseball Fields to Hansen Dam - Looks like gravel bars, but haven't
run it.
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