California Prickly
Phlox 01/01/01
California Prickly Phlox
Monday, January 1, 2001
Copyright © 2001 Gary Valle'. All Rights Reserved.
One of the first flowers to greet me on excursions in the
foothills of Southern California following the Winter Solstice
and near the beginning of the New Year is California Prickly Phlox,
Leptodactylon californicum Hook. & Arn.
This showy plant is native to California and can be found
at lower elevations throughout much of Southern California.
According to a reference in CalFlora,
it is found only in this state. In the Simi Hills it seems
to like rocky, southwest facing slopes and appears to relish
the afternoon sun. The flowers have a subtle, musty-sweet
fragrance that is especially pleasant when encountered in
the evening, near the end of a long run. |