The Coyote Oak Journal Archive
While I may add or update an item here from time to
time, the Coyoye Oak Journal
has generally been replaced by my photoblog Photography
on the Run.
The Topanga Fire, Part I: Rain, Wind and Fire
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
two weeks after the Topanga wildfire burned 24,000 acres
of ecologically diverse Mediterranean habitat northwest
of Los Angeles, the charred remains of thick chaparral
continued to smolder. Around me black fingers of Yerba
Santa, Ceonothus and Chokecherry projected from the barren
earth, their skeletal remains reflecting the fury of the
fire. Running through the stark landscape, it was hard
to accept that fire is a much a part of the environment
as the wind and the rain. Updated May 5, 2011 to include recovery photos from 5+ years after the fire. |
Chaparral Snow
Saturday, March 11, 2006
morning, at about 2000 ft. in the Simi Hills, periodic
snow showers added a white accent to the black, brown,
and greens of a landscape in the process of recovering
from the Topanga Fire. The snow was wet, and not much
was accumulating, but it was SNOW in March within a mile
or two of the Simi and San Fernando Valleys. |
Eclipses, Saros Cycles and Chumash Rock Art
Thursday, August 15, 2002
partial solar eclipse on June 10, 2002 was observed
through much of the southwestern U.S., with up to 70%
of the sun obscured in Southern California. How might
this eclipse be related to Chumash rock art at Painted
Cave, near Santa Barbara? |
Lion Tracks
February 2, 2001
mountain lion tracks show the round, clawless imprint
typical of felines. A distinguishing characteristic
of feline tracks is the bilobed front edge of the plantar
pad. |
Mortars & Water Holes
Monday, January 8, 2001
challenge of finding water in Southern California's
unpredictable climate. |
November 5, 2001
early September, 2001, I was sitting on the bank of
the Lower Kern River, downstream of the Borel Powerhouse,
watching dead fish float by. |
Made This Track?
October 15, 2001
most common tracks I see on trail runs are the footfalls
of people, dogs, and coyotes. But anything that moves,
or is propelled across the ground can make a track. |
& Pictographs
Monday, February 19, 2001
it is good not to have a plan. It leaves you free to
follow intuition, impulse, and observation. One of the
rewards can be unexpected discoveries or revelations. |
California Prickly Phlox
Monday, January 1, 2001
of the first flowers to greet me on excursions in the
foothills of Southern California following the Winter
Solstice and near the beginning of the New Year is California
Prickly Phlox, Leptodactylon californicum Hook. & Arn. |
in the Rain
Wednesday, January
24, 2001
Running, or walking,
or just being outside in the rain is invigorating. Especially
in Southern California. |