El Niño Madness,
Alphabetical List
Avg. Gradient Foot/Mile |
Feb 13, 2005 Sunday |
Agua Blanca Creek, Near Devil's Gateway to Piru Creek | ~3.0 + 2.0 + 2.5 on lake | ~110 |
Feb 3, 1998 |
1.0 | 360 | |
Feb 15, 1998 |
2.0 | 285 | |
May 6, 1998 |
9.5 | 170 | |
Jan 16, 1997 |
Bear Creek, West Fork to confluence with W.F. San Gabriel River |
3.35 | 160 |
Apr 9, 1995 |
5.4 | 148 | |
Apr 5, 1995 |
Big Tujunga Creek, Camp Colby Rd. to gaging station downstream of Angeles Forest Hwy bridge |
2.6 | 200 |
Apr 15, 1995 |
1.15 | 209 | |
Feb 5, 1995 |
Big Tujunga Creek, Big Tujunga Canyon Road to Wildwood Picnic Area. |
3.6 | 67 |
Apr 19, 1995 |
2.6 | 92 | |
Apr 27, 1995 |
Deep Creek, Hot Springs to Confluence with West Fork Mojave River |
5.0 | 96 |
Feb 18, 1995 |
East Fork San Gabriel River, East Fork Station to Camp Oak Grove |
4.0 | 105 |
Feb 25, 1995 |
East Fork San Gabriel River, Devil Gulch to East Fork Station |
4.0 | 165 |
Apr 30, 1995 |
Little Rock Creek, Cooper Canyon to the South Fork (This run is currently closed.) |
7.3 | 219 |
Feb 15, 1995 |
4.5 | 98 | |
February 15, 1997 |
9.3 | 65 | |
March 11,
2001 Sunday |
March 5, 2005 Saturday |
Matilija Creek, 1.1 Mile Upstream of Old Man Creek to Matilija Trailhead Parking Area | 3.25 | 206 |
Feb 1, 1997 |
Mill Creek, Hidden Springs Picnic area to confluence with Big Tujunga Creek |
1.0 | 360 |
Apr 13, 1997 |
5.2 | 134 | |
Jan 26, 1997 |
N.F. Matilija Creek, Wheeler Gorge Campground to Quarry near confluence with Matilija Creek |
5.0 | 194 |
May 9, 1998 |
Piru Creek from Gold Hill Road (3846) to Pyramid Lake (2643) with Keith Beck. The gorges on this run are astounding. Best be on your toes negotiating the intricate rapids and (typically) muddy water! For details on this run, see Charles Foster's description of Upper Piru Creek (Archived Copy) |
11.5 + 3 on lake | 105 |
Mar 18, 1995 |
16.2 + 2.5 on lake | 61 | |
Various |
Piru Creek below Piru Dam. |
Mar 15, 1997 Saturday |
Santa Ana River. Bridge on Seven Oaks Rd. to confluence with Deer Creek |
4.0 | 264 |
Mar 9, 1997 |
Santa Ana River, Filaree Flats to confluence with Deer Creek |
3.0 | 270 |
Feb 22, 1997 |
Santa Ana River, Deer Creek to diversion dam at confluence with Bear Creek |
1.0 | 300 |
Mar 20, 2005 Sunday |
Santa Cruz Creek | ~8 | ~80 |
Apr 14, 1995 |
San Gabriel River, Downstream of Morris Dam to Bridge on Hwy. 39. |
1.5 | 67 |
Jan 31, 1998 |
Santa Paula Creek, Confluence of East Fork to St. Thomas Aquinus property |
2.0 | 244 |
Jan 18, 1997 |
Santa Paula Creek, Hwy. 150 Bridge to ¼ mile past Steckel Park. |
2.5 | 127 |
Dec 7, 1997 |
6.2 | 47 | |
Feb 27 Friday-Mar 1, 1998 |
47 | 64 | |
Jan 10, 1998 |
Upper N.F. Matilija Creek, Confluence with East Fork to Matilija Creek |
2.8 | 214 |
Apr 14, 1995 |
West Fork San Gabriel River, Second Bridge on West Fork Trail to San Gabriel Reservoir |
2.5 | 96 |
Mar 16, 2003 |
14.2 | 105 | |
Apr 5, 1997 |
Yucca Creek (Tributary of N.F. Kaweah River) |
1.5 (?) | 300 |